Super Check Partial Window
To aid in call determination, WriteLog uses a Super Check Partial window. As you type in the ham radio call signs of the stations calling you after your CQ, the Super Check Partial window constantly updates available calls based upon the partial calls you have entered into the QSO Entry window. The Super Check Partial window, displayed in this simplified format, shows available stations when 'OH3' is entered in the QSO Entry window:
Interpreting the Super Check Partial Window
By entering a partial or full call sign into the QSO Entry window (in this case, OH3), you can see that the program has searched the database and has produced several ham radio calls that OH3 could represent:
OH3UQ in green. The green color default tells us that we have worked OH3UQ before in this contest and he is good to work on this band.
The red color default tells us that we have already worked OH3QA on this band and if this is the correct ham radio call we would have a dupe in the log.
The rest in black, or gray. The dark default color means that this ham radio call would be good to work on this band and that we have not worked this ham radio call yet in the contest.
Changing the Super Check Partial Screen
There are a couple of interesting options for this window by selecting 'Setup|Super Check Partial' from the main toolbar. Correctly selecting this option produces the following Window with the following tabs discussed below:
General tab
Note that there are two different algorithms for selecting which calls will show up in the Super Check Partial box. You can pick between 'matching any character by order' which is broader in returning calls, or 'Match only consecutive characters' which is a more restrictive in returning calls.
DTA ‘Data’ Tab
You can select where you store your 'Master.dta' file on your PC. The default location is under programs in the directory where WriteLog was installed on your PC.
Fonts Tab
Clicking on this option produces a standard Windows font dialog box where you may select the font of your choice for the Super Check Partial window. Smaller fonts mean more calls in a given space or you can make the box smaller and have the same number of calls show up in the box.
Colors Tab
The colors dialog box allows you to select the Dupe color (default is red), the Worked color (default is green), and the 'foreground' (available to work) color (default is black).
Master Data Files
The program uses several "Master Data" files for use in the ham radio contest, selected by the "Browse" button noted above. Here are the different files used by the Super Check Partial function as well as determining multiplier status within Super Check Partial (and other functions of WriteLog).
Updating all data files in WriteLog
The program provides an easy way to update your data files directly from WriteLog. At the toolbar, click on File, then Web Update Data Files as seen below. You will then be given this dialog box:
Click on "Download" and click on the OK button once the files are downloaded.
Country Files
For people new to contesting, Country files are used by the program (and other ham radio contesting programs) to identify the country associated with a call's prefix. The file also provides information directly or to calculate the latitude and longitude information, sunrise/sunset times, and beam headings of the countries you are working provided by WriteLog during the contest. Country files are updated often, especially in October, for the ham radio contesting community.
Master.dta Files
For people new to contesting, Master.dta files are ham radio call signs of known contesters. This file is used in conjunction with the Super Check Partial function in WriteLog and is a great aid in determining correct call signs in the highly chaotic conditions during a contest.
While updated via the method above, you can also open your browser and check out specifics at:
SSB and CW Master Files:
RTTY Master files for WriteLog: RTTY Contesting -- WriteLog RTTY Master Data
Once at the site, save the files on your local hard drive in the \WriteLog\Programs sub-directory.
Named Multiplier File
The Named Multiplier File is important for scoring the contest correctly. The purpose of the file is to have all known associations for a multiplier entry be defaulted in the log to the 'correct' multiplier abbreviation for the ham radio contest. For example, the correct State Abbreviation for Wisconsin in a contest is 'WI.' However, 'WIS' would be an older version of the state abbreviation. The Named Multiplier File insures that the multiplier name in the log is 'WI.'The Named Multiplier File is downloaded with the full version of WriteLog and can be updated using the method above.