WriteLog offers the ability to print QSL's from the program. Some people prefer to QSL through their ham radio logging program; if this is you, you should export your contest file to your logging program and then do your QSL chores from that program. If you would prefer to QSL directly from WriteLog, this is the place.
The QSL Menu in WriteLog is under File|QSLs:
The format of the printing on the QSL is controlled by the dialog box available under 'File|QSL Comment' which produces the following dialog box:
The QSL Printing dialog "Print RST from field labeled:" list box selects which column in the log will provide the data for printing the RST on the card. When a QSL is printed for a QSO that is blank in that selected field, then 599 or 59 is printed on the QSL depending on the mode of the QSO.
The text you enter in the "Print this on each QSL" box is printed on the fourth line of QSL's as they are printed.
And the text you enter in the "Comment for records in .QSL file" is added to the QSL file the next time you do a File Save.
For record keeping, WriteLog maintains a QSL sent and QSL received flag for each QSO. This flag is displayed if the appropriate button is activated under the 'Setup|Display format' menu entry as shown in the following menu:
This produces the following dialog box:
The sent flag is turned on (and so indicated by an "S" in the display) for every QSO for which a QSL is printed. Turn it off or on by making the Log window active, highlight the desired QSO, and type S to toggle the sent flag, R to toggle the received flag. Additional QSL information is stored in a .QSL text file at 'File|Save' time. The additional file is always named with extension .QSL, and is always appended to - i.e. WriteLog doesn't alter existing data in QSL files, although you may do so with an editor.
Printing QSL's is a two-step process. First you use the 'Edit|Mark QSO to Print QSL' to mark each QSO that needs a QSL printed.
All highlighted QSO's at the time you select the command get marked, so highlight all of the QSO's you want to QSL and then go to the Edit menu to mark them. (Or a right clicking on a QSO pops up a menu with a selection to mark to print an individual QSL).
If you have the 'Setup|Display Format' set so that QSL information is displayed in the Log Window, then each QSO to have a QSL printed will be marked with a "P" symbol.
Second, use 'File|Print QSL's' and the Print command in that window to send the QSL's to the printer.
The format of the printing on the QSL is controlled by the dialog box available under 'File|QSL Page Setup' and looks like this:
Adjust these parameters to match your label setup for your printer.
If want just a text file with all the QSL information in it, then use the ' File| Print QSL Labels to File' entry. The resulting file can be reformatted to match the label layout that you have.