WriteLog Radio Setting Examples
This section will give you screen shots of various radios set up for WriteLog.
K9JY’s Icom 7300 with RigExpert 5000
This includes both WriteLog and WSJTx.
Note: The RigExpert 5000 can generate FSK, the RigExpert 3000 only generates AFSK.
The Icom 7300 radio settings also can vary between modes. Since the Icom 7300 supports an SD card, you can create or copy files to and from the card. As long as you have an SD card slot on your PC, you can take the card from the radio to the PC and vice versa,
What I’ve done with this is saved a file for each of the modes I use. Then, when I turn the radio on, I select Menu | Options | SD Card and then load the appropriate mode file. Then you have to turn off the radio and turn it back on again for the settings to be in place.
Since they are .dat files, I can’t upload them to this site. If you’d like a copy of them, you can email me on my contact page - the link is at the footer of every page on the site. The files are for CW, RTTY, FT8 and WSJTx / FTDX, DigiRite.
Icom 7300 with K1EL WinKeyer2
Thanks to Karl, K0CIE
Ports Dialog. Note CW Keyer Type
Icom 7000 with Navigator
Thanks to Gary, K7GS
Ports on Computer, Navigator Connection, WriteLog Ports Dialog.
FT-2000D and a Microham Digi Keyer II
Thanks to Gary, K7GS
WriteLog Ports, Digi Keyer, Windows Ports