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Working through the doldrums of a passionate Amateur Radio operator

One of the great things about amateur radio is that there are so many different aspects to the hobby. One can spend years on DX'ing only to become enamored with VHF and then move on to some digital mode.It's all learning.But sometimes, there is simply a lull. A period of time where not much happens. I've been through that time here; not much has been posted for several weeks. Most of it is the day job...some stuff that is very exciting is happening and there is even better stuff coming up. But, have all of that going on and then switch to a Mac from Windows for work and your hobby and you don't have a lot of time to get back into serious hobby work.I'm trying to get the Mac to talk to my radio through my microHAM interface. I've looked at a couple different programs. I've tried to make it work. But what I have done is spend a half hour on it and then said...no, more important stuff to do on the day job, so go do it. I've asked for some help -- and have gotten it. More on that later. But I haven't had time to do the serious work to get everything working.In other words, a poor attempt to get stuff set up that doesn't represent the passion of the hobby. It happens.Does that mean the hobby doesn't mean as much to me? Nope. It just means that a hobby is a hobby and sometimes the hobby doesn't count as much as that which earns you a living.I need to respect that. And I do. But I feel guilty about it anyway. Wouldn't you?Oh...and doesn't the site's new look just rock?