How Adaptable is Ham Radio?

HAM Radio EquipmentI read a blog post the other day from February (sorry, I don't remember which post!) that marked the one year anniversary of the no-code license. While much has been talked about with no-code both good and bad, while reading that particular article I finally had a Blinding Flash of the Obvious:

The real issue isn't code or no-code, the real issue is how adaptable is the amateur radio service to change?

Humans are tremendously adaptable. Companies are adaptable. Organizations are adaptable.

How's our ham radio service doing on the adaptability scale?

I originally thought that radio doesn't adapt well or that quickly. But, after thinking about that a bit, I think that's incorrect. Radio is adopting to change very quickly. Just think about some of the changes over the last few years:

  • Computers are now hooked to virtually all ham shacks
  • Software for use with radio has significantly increased
  • Contesting methods, education, software and participation have significantly changed
  • DXpeditions have become significantly better in terms of operators, logistics, logging, publishing logs
  • LoTW has moved to electronic confirmation of contacts
  • Global QSL has provided a service for DX bureau cards
  • Ham radio presence on the web has increased significantly
  • Digital modes have significantly increased in number and participation

Is everything wonderful? Nope. Rules, necessarily because of FCC involvement, take time. Clubs come and go, depending upon the club leadership and the club mission. Debates about a particular segment of the hobby (e.g., no-code licenses) can degrade into pet peeves instead of being about the overall hobby. DX cops still think they can direct traffic for DXpeditions, while simply fulfilling their need to be shouted upon.

That's going to happen.

But if you look under the hood, the hobby is significantly different than it was ten, even five, years ago.

Adaptability to change is critical to keeping the hobby -- or any organization -- at the forefront. How do you think we're doing?

Scot, K9JY


Sending Signal Reports in Contests


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