Station Layout -- Where to put stuff

Station Right I'm working from home today and, enjoying a bit of the nice weather, I spend a good part of my lunch hour looking over my (small) back yard and figured out where I was going to re-install my vertical.

Some of you know that with this house I have not had a radio station up for over a year. A little tough to write about ham radio without a station, but that's the way it has been. There are many good reasons I haven't had the station up, but I won't cover that here.

In any case, I need some parts, some logistics, and then the station goes back up. No powerhouse -- but I've wanted to work a little more in the digital areas and having the station up will help do that.

It was a good day. And, by the way, the station pictured is the one used in VP9, not here!

Scot, K9JY


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