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9V1YC has ZL8R and BS7H DVD's

Yagi BackgroundMost of us contesters are also more than a little interested in DXpeditions. Maybe not in chasing them, necessarily, but we all know what a tremendous effort goes into putting stations -- especially rare ones -- on the air for the deserving.

Steve, K9ZW, notes:

ZL8R Kermadec Island is an awesome nature preserve so remote that few groups ever get there. James 9V1YC’s DVD story about how “keeping it simple is sure a lot of fun” is captured filmed against the natural backdrop of what looks to be a fabulous place.

The BS7H Scarborough Reef filming in itself is as amazing of a feat as running radio operations in stunningly difficult conditions.

I'll point you right to Steve's, K9ZW, blog With Varying Frequency with the scoop on how to get these DVD's.

