Update on WriteLog User Site -- 10-AUG-2007

Here's the latest on the update to the WriteLog User Site:Completed sections:First Time Setup

  • Files
  • Radio Settings
  • Setup
  • Window Functions
  • Saving Your Configuration

Specialized Setup

  • Entry

Much more to do in this category.WriteLog Windows

  • QSO Entry
  • Super Check Partial
  • Check Call
  • Packet
  • Rate
  • Sked
  • Band Map

Still to go: QSO Log Editing and Show MultipliersWriteLog.ini

  • General Settings
  • Band Map
  • CW Settings
  • Rigs
  • RTTY

This section is complete.Sections still to do:Other Subjects, such as how to arrange windows, exchange fields, master data, sound cards, etc.Plus "After the Contest" for reporting and sending in Cabrillo files.I'm pleased with the progress. I'm also cleaning up a lot of code, so the site should run a lot faster as well.You can access the site at: http://writelog.k9jy.comScot, K9JY


K6OX Field Day Video


Update on WriteLog User Site - 07-AUG-2007