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K9JY WriteLog User Site for Ham Radio Contesting

WelcomeThis is the K9JY WriteLog User Site - the ham radio contester’s place to find information for ham radio contesting with WriteLog, the premier ham radio contesting program.Site Purpose This ham radio web site provides contesters the information they need for configuring the program, operating ham radio contests WriteLog supports, and using WriteLog for post-contest tasks. From single-operator to multi-multi contesting, if you need to know how to get it done with WriteLog, this is the place!The objective of this site is that the ham radio contest operator, using this documentation, can work the program to effectively to meet the contester’s goals.How to Use This SiteClick on any of the subjects in the header area and more options will be presented.

  • Initial Setup: what to do when you first get WriteLog
  • Contest Setup: what to do for setting up before each contest
  • WriteLog Windows: everything to know about operating and configuring WriteLog Windows
  • WriteLog.ini: All the optional settings set up through the WriteLog.ini file
  • Post Contest: It's not over until the (electronic) paperwork is done
  • Other Subjects: You'll want to know about these eventually

Want a hard copy of the information here?If you would like a hard copy of the information on this site, click on "E-mail, Print, Share" icons at the bottom of any page.Notes

Scot, K9JY